More threads by Lachlan_Wells


Mar 5, 2019
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Hey guys, one of my profiles continually receives an update from Google that I need to correct. G thinks that the store doesn't offer same-day delivery, but it does, so every day I have to keep changing it.

In the locations dashboard I've tried unchecking the option to accept Google updates for Attributes, and I've also tried checking the (seemingly contradictory) option for discarding updates to Attributes, however neither works. I hit save and then when I open the menu again all the boxes are checked as they originally were.

Anyone know if this feature is still being maintained by GMB? Or if there's anything else I can do to persuade big G that the store actually does provide same-day delivery?
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Hi There,

These are always tricky. Typically if you accept the update (even if its invalid), refresh, then change the data it *should* stick but I know that's not always the case.

You should also make sure there is no API pushing the invalid value to GMB like a listings or review platform.

If you've done the above and it's still continuously reverting, the only thing you can do next is log a ticket with Google support to stop overwriting the data. I'd suggest having a screen recording ready that shows you declining the update and it reverting almost immediately.

Let me know if you have any other questions!

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