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Local Search Expert
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Aug 23, 2014
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If you don't know who Brian Dean is, he's basically the one of the greatest SEOs of all time (in my opinion). He just released a tool today that helps you write better title tags that are optimized not just for keywords but for CTR! This is something I think the Local SEO community is a bit behind on and I know his tool is now on my must-have list:
Just got this in my inbox and it is probably the best tool I've gotten access to all year. Manually finding what he calls "magnet words" is a pain and auditing titles for them is even more of a pain. This is such a great tool. +1 on Brian Dean being one of the best SEOs. He's one of the only people I find myself going back to their blog posts months to a year after them being posted and still learning new strategies from them.

If you use it on a local client - share a screenshot! I'd love to see some dentist or lawyer examples :)
This seems like an interesting tool, but paying $30/mo seems a little high. I haven't dug into it too far, but it seems like you could figure out the formula with a little thought and use a thesaurus to optimize title tags. I think it's a good idea and you should optimize titles, but is this really saving you so much time that the price is worth it?

If someone has used this, please share a review.
I have used it once so far, testing it after paying for a month of usage.

It is helpful. I am satisfied with it for now and we'll just have to wait and see whether it's worth it for the long term.
Anyone have an update on this tool? Still interested to hear reviews from those who have used it.
Interesting tool and you can't argue with the results...but if its goal is to increase CTR, why wouldn't it also address the Meta Description Tag?
My two cents - It makes writing headlines easier in that you can do the sentiment analysis and a few other things inside wordpress. I think it helps people put a bit more discipline in their headlines.
But -
If you already do check your headlines for sentiment, and have a list of action / emotional words you know work for your market (or you're testing them from someone else's list), count your characters, etc, then you already have a good discipline in place.

It's not a magic wand. You still have to do the legwork of a headline yourself.

All that said, I'm glad Joy posted this because it can be a useful tool for some folks.
I'm using it and enjoying it but it won't be worth continuing to spend money on for very long unless they begin adding new value such as a snippet optimizer, as was mentioned earlier in this thread, or something else.
Hey guys. Brian Dean here, creator of YoRocket.

Glad to see that some of you have had a chance to try out the tool. That's great!

Let me know if you have any questions or need any help.

Also, I really enjoyed reading the feedback on YoRocket. I'd like to take a second to comment on the feedback in the thread so far:

If you don't know who Brian Dean is, he's basically the one of the greatest SEOs of all time (in my opinion). He just released a tool today that helps you write better title tags that are optimized not just for keywords but for CTR! This is something I think the Local SEO community is a bit behind on and I know his tool is now on my must-have list:

Thanks Joy!

Just got this in my inbox and it is probably the best tool I've gotten access to all year. Manually finding what he calls "magnet words" is a pain and auditing titles for them is even more of a pain. This is such a great tool. +1 on Brian Dean being one of the best SEOs. He's one of the only people I find myself going back to their blog posts months to a year after them being posted and still learning new strategies from them.

Thank you, Michael. That means a lot.

This seems like an interesting tool, but paying $30/mo seems a little high. I haven't dug into it too far, but it seems like you could figure out the formula with a little thought and use a thesaurus to optimize title tags. I think it's a good idea and you should optimize titles, but is this really saving you so much time that the price is worth it?

If someone has used this, please share a review.

Great feedback, Eric. You're 100% right: it's definitely possible to do a lot of the title tag optimization manually. Unfortuantely, testing titles and tracking results is a huge pain to do manually. That's actually the #1 reason that I created YoRocket -- to make testing different titles easier.

Interesting tool and you can't argue with the results...but if its goal is to increase CTR, why wouldn't it also address the Meta Description Tag?

Excellent suggestion, Ray. We're working on a description tag optimization feature right now. Should be ready early next week.

My two cents - It makes writing headlines easier in that you can do the sentiment analysis and a few other things inside wordpress. I think it helps people put a bit more discipline in their headlines.
But -
If you already do check your headlines for sentiment, and have a list of action / emotional words you know work for your market (or you're testing them from someone else's list), count your characters, etc, then you already have a good discipline in place.

It's not a magic wand. You still have to do the legwork of a headline yourself.

All that said, I'm glad Joy posted this because it can be a useful tool for some folks.

Well said, Margaret.

I'm using it and enjoying it but it won't be worth continuing to spend money on for very long unless they begin adding new value such as a snippet optimizer, as was mentioned earlier in this thread, or something else.

That makes sense, Tim. In the pipeline we currently have: 1. Description tag analysis, 2. A dashboard where you can see how all of your new titles are doing (so you don't have to check each post one-by-one), 3. Better integration with Yoast, 4. Support for Wordpress custom post types.

Anything else you'd like to see?
Thanks for jumping into the thread Brian, and welcome to the Local Search Forum (I see this is your first post)! It's always great to discuss tools with the creator of the tool, since you know the ins and outs of it.

Is the tool integrated with GA to report data (so you see within the WP dashboard) or are you opening GA in a separate browser to compare data? I think it would be a cool addition to the dashboard you're planning - oAuth with GA to pull in page stats.
Thanks for jumping into the thread Brian, and welcome to the Local Search Forum (I see this is your first post)! It's always great to discuss tools with the creator of the tool, since you know the ins and outs of it.

Is the tool integrated with GA to report data (so you see within the WP dashboard) or are you opening GA in a separate browser to compare data? I think it would be a cool addition to the dashboard you're planning - oAuth with GA to pull in page stats.

My pleasure, Eric. I've been an occasional lurker of the Local Search Forum. So it's good to be a member :)

Great question.

Right now YoRocket integrates with your GA account (using oAuth). It then pulls the organic traffic from each page and displays it in the "testing" tab:

2016-08-25 16_49_48-Edit your Message.png

Then, after you optimize and publish a new title, you can see how it performs in that same tab.


So yeah, about 67x easier than tracking things manually (which I was doing before). But it's still not ideal as you have to check each post/page one-by-one. That's why we're creating a dashboard where you can see all of your tests inside of the WP dashboard.

2016-08-25 16_49_48-Edit your Message.png

I plan on using it on my own blog once I have some vacation hours in September :) Excited to try it out.
Hey Folks,

Brian released a new version today that will also optimize your description field. However, when I tried it, I ran into a problem with that feature so if you've heard from him about the new release, you might want to wait until he fixes the problem - in my case it could have caused a real problem if I hadn't noticed it before saving the page I was working on.

Just wait until the problem is sussed and a fix is found. That's my advice, anyway.
Hey Folks,

Brian released a new version today that will also optimize your description field. However, when I tried it, I ran into a problem with that feature so if you've heard from him about the new release, you might want to wait until he fixes the problem - in my case it could have caused a real problem if I hadn't noticed it before saving the page I was working on.

Just wait until the problem is sussed and a fix is found. That's my advice, anyway.

Hi Tim, sorry that you're having issues with our new description tag feature. Outside of this issue, all of our users (so far) have used the feature without issue. So this may be a conflict with something in particular Wordpress configurations (plugins, themes etc.).

That said, it's important to me that you don't run into bugs like these. So my team is working on figuring this out for you via our correspondence in support. Thanks again for your patience, Tim!
Hey - good news. The new version (1.31) fixed the issue that I was having with data loss in the Yoast description field. Nice to see that this dev team is very proactively fixing defects and releasing incremental value add new features.

I'm pretty satisfied now!
Hi again - Here's my revised assessment:

This just doesn't work reliably. Most of the time, it refuses to open the widget when I click on it. That's true regardless of the browser I use (it fails on both chrome and firefox).

I have stopped using and and asked for a refund. Your mileage may vary.

I'm sorry it didn't work out. I would have liked to have been able to use it.
Hi Tim, I'm really sorry to hear that you ran into technical issues with YoRocket and your Wordpress installation.

We haven't run into this particular bug before, so it was likely a conflict with another plugin or theme. As we mentioned in our support correspondence, we were willing to do whatever it took to solve this bug for you. But I completely understand that you preferred a refund.

I hope you'll give YoRocket another try in the future. As my way of saying "thanks for being patient" I'll be happy to give you a free month of YoRocket anytime you're ready. Simply email me and I'll get that set up for you.

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