More threads by sarmcl


Jul 7, 2017
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Since the change to the new GMB dashboard, myself and my co workers want to pull our hair out. We manage accounts that have anywhere from 10 to over 500 listings.

Has any one experienced the following and/or have any answers to how we can combat the following issues:

  • The old GMB Classic showed if your dashboard was a verified dashboard. Does this show anymore in the new version?
  • Ever since the change we have one client that anytime we add a location to the BULK verified dashboard--it insists we send a postcard. We have spoke to support about 50 times and are getting nowhere. Has anyone had a bulk verified dashboard do anything similar?
  • Updates. Truly hate how updates are now. Why do they seem to be hiding them because you go to a drop down, then see the update, then have to click on the location then have to click on info to get to the friggin' update. So many extra & unnecessary steps to get to the update. Then when you finally get there address the update, it says its changed and "saved" but not reflected immediately in the "info" page like it used to. How are you handling GMB updates? Is there a quicker workaround?

Sorry for the ranting but while this update might be great for small businesses it is not user friendly for agencies at all.

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