More threads by aputtock

Aug 21, 2017
Reaction score

I have tried bringing this issue up to Google support, however, they don't give me much help other than tips on improving my local ranking. I have a client in a very small township. There are currently only 2 other businesses with the same category in the area. However, when I search the business category and the area, only the other two business's listings populate. Our listing has been live for about half a year now, and we still do not come up at all when you search our primary category. Is there anything that could be causing this listing not to rank?

Here is the listing we created: Google Maps

Thank you
Hi @aputtock before digging in to this can you clarify the search term as well as your search location?
Hey @aputtock I see the same thing as you when I search for "Pest control in Keene, NH" or "Pest Control Keene". However, when I search for "Pest Control" with my location set to your zipcode or the city center Google shows three listings and you are number three in the 3-pack.

It looks like one of the listings that outranks you is using a shipping/postal office and that is an ineligible location. I'd look into that.

I'd also work on getting some reviews.
At 6 months your ranking is still being diluted. That's probably a big chunk of the issue here.

The main issue though, is prominence. I can see you don't have any reviews. Getting reviews will change this, possibly within weeks although there's no way to guarantee that. Also, have you built any business listings (citations)? If not, doing that will help drastically as well.

Honestly, you have a great opportunity to dominate this location. Reviews and citations are just the 1st steps.
Hey guys,

Thanks for the advice! It's good to here that what we are seeing might be location based, as we are not in the same area as the listing. Time to go out and get some reviews!

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