More threads by Linda Buquet

Linda Buquet

Local Search Expert
Jun 28, 2012
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I've known about a REALLY smart strategy my friend Matthew Hunt uses for awhile and wanted to share, but wasn't sure it was public knowledge. He just blogged it and did a video so wanted to be sure you all see this.

It's a really slick way of funneling or trying to screen out negative reviews so they aren't as likely to hit Google. AND this system gets that negative feedback directly to you, tied to the customers name & email, so you can fix your customer service problem AND make it right with the customer.

BUT if the customers feedback is POSITIVE, then you funnel them to the reviews sites of your choosing on a really nice review page, that includes a video about HOW TO POST A REVIEW on whichever review site they select.

Here, I'll let Matt explain and show it to you. VERY cool!

Small Business Online Coach Review Funnel System

I've seen this strategy implemented on some of his client sites where they did VERY dynamic design and a really good job on the review gathering pages.

Here's a great blog post Matt did today about all the Google review problems and how to avoid losing YOUR precious reviews.

Missing Google Places Reviews? You’re Not Alone. Here’s What You Need to Know

What do you guys think?
Brilliant strategy or what???
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This looks very like the ReviewHUB WordPress Plugin I bought back in June. It's a terrific strategy.
Thanks to Matt and Linda for this. I emailed Matt just last night that his mentioning of how he handled Review gathering for his customers during the webinar was very exciting. So happy he did the video - and Linda posted it here.
Matt I am wondering how you handle getting visitors to these initial Review Funnel landing pages for those customers who do not sell online (ie: redirect them to this page after completing a sale). Do you send an email after a sale? Send a SMS message to subscribers? Do e-blasts to existing customers? All of the above?
Hi Matt, this is some excellent advice!

I'm having a hard time finding the ReviewHUB wordpress plug-in. Does is not exist anymore?

If not, are there any other plug-ins people recommend for this strategy?

I did just this, and some moron who I've never done business with left not one but two negative reviews on Google.

I found out it was a kid from the USA with a bee in his bonnet.

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