More threads by nathangdavidson

Nov 28, 2018
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I made some edits to a new clients GMB profile, which included adding UTM tracking parameters to their Website address to help track Knowledge Panel and Local Pack/Finder clicks. I made the change originally on 22 January ad if I recall correctly it was approved almost immediately.

But when I click on their profile it still shows as their previous entry for this field - i.e. without UTM parameters.

I just edited the field again - copying and pasting what as there back in again, and it was approved once more, but is still not updating.

Anyone experienced this?

Any advice what to try, or shall I just get in touch with GMB support?

Interestingly, the Appointment field, which I also updated, does show the UTM tracking.

Many thanks for reading.

Interesting, @nathangdavidson. When you log into the GMB dashboard do you see auto-updates? That is, did Google indicate that it left out the UTM parameters?

If not, then a couple things to try are:

1. A public edit. If you PM me the tagged URL I'm glad to fly it up the flagpole and see who salutes it.

2. Disabling the "Request a quote" feature, at least for the moment. Purely a hunch.
Interesting, @nathangdavidson. When you log into the GMB dashboard do you see auto-updates? That is, did Google indicate that it left out the UTM parameters?

If not, then a couple things to try are:

1. A public edit. If you PM me the tagged URL I'm glad to fly it up the flagpole and see who salutes it.

2. Disabling the "Request a quote" feature, at least for the moment. Purely a hunch.
Thanks again Phil, PM sent
You might have a 3rd party tool connected to your listing that is overwriting your edits. You can see what apps currently have access to change your account here: Sign in - Google Accounts. Look for things listed under the third-party apps section that say they have access to manage business listings.

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