More threads by JoyHawkins


Local Search Expert
LocalU Faculty
Aug 23, 2014
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@TomW showed me this morning that there is now a "sharing" section on the About tab for a Google My Business profile. I'm only seeing this on mobile browsers (not the Maps app). I have no idea how many people even click on this tab, but if they do, this will be a new option for them to see.

So, the importance of having your "From the business" field and "shortname" updated in GMB dashboard.
Yeah, it's showing here on our end also, but I've no idea who would even share like that. Seems an odd location for it. You would think on the desktop version there'd just be another "share" button next to the Website, Directions, Save buttons at the top.
I'm still nervous about using short names after the debacle several months ago. Has that issue been completely fixed?
When the short name was launched, I tried to get our brand name. However, it said it was not available. When I tried to visit the (just an example) - it only showed a google SERP with results from searched "brandname" (without space).

I saw somewhere that it was something to do with now deprecated G+.

I just tried to get it last week - and now it is available. So if you had the same issue and just settled with a version of your brand name, try it again.

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